
Friday, 29 July 2011

The Maples trees in Autumn color .

I have changed a method to present the leaves of maples , it is time consuming ,
and hope the effort is worth of its reward .

Friday, 22 July 2011

Spring in Japan .

Out of my business in last two weeks , despite the awful wrong doings in the projecting the massive flowers in cherry blossom in my drawing. I felt the kind of
urging to make a better picture . As I have read quite a number of artist articles , drawing has no bible to read and be blessed in yr creation . Venturing is the answer . One famous artist said :dont copy other people way of drawings , create your own , make it shine . I am far from claiming any achievement yet , but, I do feel that the famous artist words are having some nice chemical reaction inside my mind

Monday, 11 July 2011

Fujiyama of Japan .

Before I commence to draw for Fujiyama my heart was not too excited to get anything nice out of the water color , but, as I struggled internally to rescue a messy drawing , like the buildings and it shadow and coast side sea water reflections, happy to see a different drawing shining in front of my eyes . Thanks God , I have never given hope in a bad situation .