
Wednesday, 14 July 2010


This orchid has been planted for about 10 years , but, lately I have paid less attention due to the long stay in Singapore . The orchid did not flower for quite a while . But, lately , I really regret that I have overlooked on this old plant .
And some arrangement of the shading had been made some weeks back , and see that I have a happy return of a reddish flowers .Just to keep the scene of graceful return in a picture drawn .

这兰花已种植 10年左右,但最近我不大注意,因为长期留在新加坡的家。兰花不开花相当长一段时间。但是,最近,我真觉得很对不起它,忽略了这个花木。而安排的一个的遮盖树木,几个星期回来,看到我有一个朵朵的花兰。我很高兴特地回绘制一水彩画纪念。

1 comment:

  1. Kang Chin Seng , Bernard chou ,and Ann Loh like this .
